Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rollin' in 08

So it turns out that I'm not very good at this whole "blogging" thing, unless you really don't want to read more than one post every couple of months. Which, now that I think about it, is probably more than most of you care to read about me anyway, but since I'm married to such a charming and engaging woman, I thought I would give you an "Emma Update."

Yes indeed, Emma is working for Senator John McCain for President. So no, I don't see her very much lately. :) Especially since she left to work in Michigan right after the Iowa Caucus. Of course, she came back on January 16th after their primary, and just in time to see our new table that was delivered that day.

Unfortunately for me, the excitement wasn't over after Michigan. Emma has been in Florida since Monday of this week and will be there until after their primary on January 29th. The upside is that when it was -10 actual temperature here in Des Moines today, it was 80 in Palm Beach. That's right folks, a 90 degree temperature difference in the Rittgers household.

So for those keeping score, I will have seen my beautiful wife exactly 8 days so far this month. And yes, it is currently the 24th. So for those of you feeling sorry for me, give me a call to cheer me up or send me some cookies or something. :)

1 comment:

matty said...

It looks like emma left you for a much older man.... That's lame.