Guess what… Emma and I finally live in a place with more than one room!!! We are buying a townhome in Des Moines and moved the first weekend in December! It will be nice to finally have a place with a garage, especially with the snow and ice that has already made this December crazy!

Nice place. Do you give tours? :)
If you are interested, we can show you how to set up a chicken tractor for your yard. You know it is legal to have 30 hens per yard in your town. Mmmmm . . . fresh farm eggs. And if you get tired of eggs - Mmmmm . . . fresh chicken.
Congratulations! I wish we could find a house like that here in JO! It's beautiful.
Cara and Matt
Thanks for the warm greetings! Becca & Ethan et al, I thought maybe I could just snag some of your hens. I do like a good chicken leg! Cara & Matt, we miss you guys but you are doing the Lord's work in a place that needs the Lord's work! Hopefully we will see you again soon. Merry Christmas all and happy holidays! Oh and yes, we do tours if anyone is ever in the neighborhood... though we still have a lot of boxes to put away!
Hey! I need your new address for a Christmas card! I could use Matt's too. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
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